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mySteelYard.com » Square/Rectangular Tubing » 6063-T52 Aluminum Rectangular Tubing - 5 x 2 x 1/8
6063-T52 Aluminum Rectangular Tubing - 5 x 2 x 1/8
6063-T52 Aluminum Rectangular Tubing - 5 x 2 x 1/8
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Choose your length and cut type:  
    Feet   Inches  
Custom Cut Length:         $  38.65
Cut Type:    +  $  3.00
    $  41.65
Quantity:    x    1
Weight: 1.984 / 1.984 Lbs. total
Product Line: Rectangular Tubing
Product Type: Square Tubing
Material: 6063-T52 Aluminum
Height: 5.000
Width: 2.000
Wall Thickness: 0.125
Weight Per Foot (Lbs.): 1.984
Availability: Ships in 5-10 Business Days
(Illustrations are for reference only.)
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